
license activation with the partner portal

As a RESTOMAX partner, you have access via your back office to a page dedicated to managing your customers.

This allows you to deploy your customer licences, enter billing details and go live!

Here’s a step-by-step guide for you:

  • Go to your partner portal
  • Choose the licence to invoice
  • Complete the billing details for your customer
  • Start production

Go to your partner portal

Log on to your Super-Organisation in the web backoffice

Go to the Demo section to see the list of licences in demo mode

For each activation you have 3 steps to follow using the red dots on the left of the line to unlock the demo, activate the licence and go into production.




Choose licenses to invoice


Select in the dropdown the license accordingly

Enter the billing information for your customer

Don’t hesitate to use the VAT verification tool to automatically fill in the invoicing address 😉

Start the production mode

This action will also trigger the licence invoicing contract, so check that the information you enter is correct before validating this step!